Why choose DRE ?

- I provide an alternative to some clinics and businesses who sell hard, push expensive treatment plans, and go for quantity over quality with their treatments. Ever felt like you're rushed in and out of a treatment room too quickly over and over? My longer holistic THOROUGH treatment, quality over quantity approach can be a great value investment into your health
- I'm a younger generation of practitioner and have been taught up-to-date treatment techniques (with a masters degree from the AECC Health Sciences University). I am conscious there are very different personality types and even neuro-diverse individuals out there that require different methods of communication. I continue with CPD (continued professional development) annually to keep my skills sharp
- Have you ever felt like the right spot hasn't quite been hit/ adjusted? Ever felt like a massage wasn't quite 'deep enough'? With my sports and gym background combined with my healthcare training, I have the physical attributes and knowledge to (safely) apply the precision and intensity that can kickstart your bodies healing process. (off course tailored to individual tolerance and preferences during treatment)
- I can provide mobile treatments in the comfort of your own premises using a portable treatment table. Whether you'd rather not leave home due to work, kids, pets, travel time, anxiety, comfort (or laziness, no judgement!) etc. I can remove the stress and extra time of travel from your treatments.
- I can provide combinations of, or one of the following therapies to tailor treatment to your specific needs : Chiropractic, sports massage and reflexology. My approach considers the joint, muscle and nerve function for every individual case. I have experience treating a wide range of needs, from more delicate older post stroke clients all the way to powerlifters, to teens with bad posture
- Overall well-being, function, self help and prevention is important to to promote long term results! True healthcare includes giving you the tools to help yourself, not being reliant on myself or other professionals. I'll often give advice after and/or during treatments ranging from stretches, to posture, to gym, nutrition and more to help you help yourself and make our treatments go further